Also, tomorrow 31 October 2008 is Ralph's Birthday. Ralph will be two. He is such a cute little guy. And GM loves him to bits too. I do not know how GM is going to deal w/ leaving him here, when we go on our trip. In celebration of his birthday, and our day off, we are going to Vaughn Springs as described in a previous blog. On Saturday, we are going to The Victoria Market, and then to a bbq at a friends house. Sunday will hopefully be quiet. Monday I have another RDO- hopefully I can get more stuff organised for our trip. 24 days till we touchdown in Seattle. And Tuesday is a Public Holiday for Melbourne Cup Day. What a lovely five day weekend I have ahead of me. Oh, and I think on Tuesday we are having a bbq at our house with the neighbours. So, all in all a great time is coming.
Oh, tonight I am going to get some prescriptions filled, and then meet GM & Ralph to go for a walk around a place called The Nook. It is a beautiful place, next to a vineyard, a waterhole, and a nice long walking track. Then we will get fish & chips for dinner, and go home. I think it will be great!
Oh, tonight I am going to get some prescriptions filled, and then meet GM & Ralph to go for a walk around a place called The Nook. It is a beautiful place, next to a vineyard, a waterhole, and a nice long walking track. Then we will get fish & chips for dinner, and go home. I think it will be great!
Okay, guess I gotta work now. Back soon!
cute puppy!!
Wow! Enjoy your time off. A 5 day weekend, with only a couple weeks left of work? How blessed are you?
There was an announcement made tonight about an event taking place at the church on Nov. 23rd, and I was thinking....Melissa's coming, and didn't get the details. Oops!
I'm absurdly jealous of your 5 day weekend - back to work in the morning for me.
Aren't you back yet? I'm missing you on-line.
19 days until Seattle! Are you sure you don't need a ride from the airport? Well, maybe next time.
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