This week has been kinda crazy, but I think they all are lately. My mom is out of the hospital and doing better. She is unhappy with me, but that is her choice. I will be honest with her whether she likes it or not! She is doing better though, so that is what's important!
GM and I had Monday off, and just spent time together, we went to a tattoo place, because his team the Hawks won the Grand Final (Superbowl) on Saturday. That is what I forgot to put in about Saturday, we were on pins and needles to see if his team would win the game, and couldn't watch it live, but recorded it, and watched it after they had indeed won. Anyway, GM wants a tattoo of his teams symbol.
I think he is going to wait till we get to The Pacific Northwest, before he gets it though!
Health is fine, everything is pretty darn good, just a bit tired, from too many late nights!
Okay, will post more later!
What about you any tattoo's??? .........rainbow
I missed something somewhere...didn't realize your mom was in the hospital. It's always something, isn't it? I am glad things are better for her now.
Really, only 53 days? I like being able to say next month....looking forward to seeing you.
I thought about you at Bible study tonight...more about that on my blog, probably.
Okay, apparently I missed Friday's post somehow. I'll blame the crazy weekend.
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