Tuesday, July 7, 2009

4th of July!

It doesn't matter where she flies, she looks beautiful! What a lucky girl I am to be able to enjoy the freedom, and liberty this far away from where Ol' Glory usually flies!

Hope everybody had a great 4th of July celebration and or weekend, depending on where you live. I was lucky enough to have my husband take me out to dinner. I also did a bit of cooking. I felt like crap, and still do, but will be seeing the Dr tomorrow, so should be on the mend soon enough. I made the Peanut Butter pie, and think I might try that tonight, if my taste buds are up to it! Yummy! I also made Apple crumble, Apricot crumble, butterfly cupcakes for my MIL, Black forest cake type things. . . And then collapsed. Managed to enjoy our dinner out, and went to sleep.
Had to cancel a lovely visit we were going to have with a couple friends on Sunday. And mostly stayed in bed. Had a good long nap too. Loved it!
Hope all is going well in your worlds!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

2 July 2009

Well, I started mixed volleyball last night, and I think I am going to love it. It is pretty intense, and will hone skills, and speed. I am looking forward to a great season! So, now I have girls on Monday night, and mixed on Wednesday or Thursday nights. That is two nights a week of guaranteed exercise. Not to mention the walking, and stuff I am doing at work, too and from work, and all the ad-hoc that is added to my days. Now if only I could motivate GM. (heavy sigh!)

Things have been busy, and I am, almost worn out, but pushing on.

This weekend is 4th of July. That is exciting to most people in the US, and to me. However, it is the dead of winter here, and so GM is taking me to dinner in celebration. I think it will be lovely. I also think I am going to make Pioneer Woman's Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie for myself, it reminds me of home, and I can eat the whole pie, because GM does not care for Peanut butter much. I think we are also going to put up the American Flag for the day, as we have the flagpole, and it is a celebration for me, and the country I come from! I am looking forward to it, and missing the celebration, bbq'ing, potato salad & devilled eggs. . . . Oh well, maybe we will celebrate it in the US next year, you never know these days!