(My dad may or may not know, but he is the reason I have been so fond of trees all my life, so I am happy to 'hunt' them with my camera anytime I can. Thanks Dad!)
I try to take pics of these trees every year. I took this one in March 2009. There is something about them, that involves/intertwines life & death. And also with the ominous sky behind it, I could not resist. I just love these trees.
Anyway, back to the story. . . Last night, I met GM at a store in our home town, and picked up a 12*16 inch copy of the pic above. I was taken aback, and thrilled. i still am. We went directly to get a frame, and it is hanging on our wall. I do not know where it will hang for good yet, but I just love it! Kind of funny, 'cause we both got each other photos, without knowing what the other was doing. . . How bizarre.
So he has a few brownie points, and I love him more each day! Okay, getting soppy.
I have volleyball practice tonight, Yeah! I got my hair done yesterday, very happy about that. Just below my shoulders & striped, who would have thought. . .lol
Hope all is well in your worlds!