Anyway, hope you like it!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Advance Australia- Updated!
Friday, April 24, 2009
GM is one of the most thoughtful men ever- most of the time. Last night- well actually on Good Friday, he out did himself. We just got to pick up his good deed yesterday. I love taking pics as you may have guessed, and I especially love taking pics of trees. Well, I took this pic
I have been in love with these trees since the first time I saw them.
(My dad may or may not know, but he is the reason I have been so fond of trees all my life, so I am happy to 'hunt' them with my camera anytime I can. Thanks Dad!)
I try to take pics of these trees every year. I took this one in March 2009. There is something about them, that involves/intertwines life & death. And also with the ominous sky behind it, I could not resist. I just love these trees.
Anyway, back to the story. . . Last night, I met GM at a store in our home town, and picked up a 12*16 inch copy of the pic above. I was taken aback, and thrilled. i still am. We went directly to get a frame, and it is hanging on our wall. I do not know where it will hang for good yet, but I just love it! Kind of funny, 'cause we both got each other photos, without knowing what the other was doing. . . How bizarre.
So he has a few brownie points, and I love him more each day! Okay, getting soppy.
I have volleyball practice tonight, Yeah! I got my hair done yesterday, very happy about that. Just below my shoulders & striped, who would have thought. . .lol
Hope all is well in your worlds!
(My dad may or may not know, but he is the reason I have been so fond of trees all my life, so I am happy to 'hunt' them with my camera anytime I can. Thanks Dad!)
I try to take pics of these trees every year. I took this one in March 2009. There is something about them, that involves/intertwines life & death. And also with the ominous sky behind it, I could not resist. I just love these trees.
Anyway, back to the story. . . Last night, I met GM at a store in our home town, and picked up a 12*16 inch copy of the pic above. I was taken aback, and thrilled. i still am. We went directly to get a frame, and it is hanging on our wall. I do not know where it will hang for good yet, but I just love it! Kind of funny, 'cause we both got each other photos, without knowing what the other was doing. . . How bizarre.
So he has a few brownie points, and I love him more each day! Okay, getting soppy.
I have volleyball practice tonight, Yeah! I got my hair done yesterday, very happy about that. Just below my shoulders & striped, who would have thought. . .lol
Hope all is well in your worlds!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
22 April 2009
Had practice on Friday night. That went really well, it was great to re-learn how to volley again, take advantage of the three hits available before it has to go over the net. And have seven people on a side, gives you a big challenge when the team on game night consists of four.
Had a game on Monday night. Only three available to play, and my office chair and I had- had a disagreement in the morning. I was feeling a bit sore & sorry, and went home for a heat bag, cause I hurt that much. We played really well actually, we still lost, but played well. Had a great time even if I hurt.
Have practice again Friday, am looking forward to that too!
Going to get my hair done in a few hours, and meeting my future employer tomorrow. Once I am free to, I can talk more about that. . .lol My employment has been interesting for years. . . :)
Hope all is well in your worlds!
Had practice on Friday night. That went really well, it was great to re-learn how to volley again, take advantage of the three hits available before it has to go over the net. And have seven people on a side, gives you a big challenge when the team on game night consists of four.
Had a game on Monday night. Only three available to play, and my office chair and I had- had a disagreement in the morning. I was feeling a bit sore & sorry, and went home for a heat bag, cause I hurt that much. We played really well actually, we still lost, but played well. Had a great time even if I hurt.
Have practice again Friday, am looking forward to that too!
Going to get my hair done in a few hours, and meeting my future employer tomorrow. Once I am free to, I can talk more about that. . .lol My employment has been interesting for years. . . :)
Hope all is well in your worlds!
Monday, April 20, 2009
The Weekend is Over. . .
Had a pretty busy weekend, can't say that I accomplished all that much, but know it was pretty busy. Saturday was a lot of running around in the morning, and a couple of phone calls in the after noon. Of course the shortest of these phone calls was 45 minutes, so it took a chunk of time. I think the longest phone call was near 2 hours. Loved it, but lost time. . .
My laptop power cord died, am unsure how expensive (I think about $100.00- let me pull that out of my. . . hat) it will be to get a new one. . . . But am checking into that. We got a beautiful front door installed two years ago, and because it was not installed properly, it has let wind in non stop since 2007. I am very frustrated about it, the man came back a couple times to fix it, and it still lets so much wind in, you could fly a kite. I called this morning, and he is coming out to look at the door. I do not know exactly what he will do, but I will be happy with a new door, that is not bowed, and does not allow kite flying. Went and exchanged my favorite 2 pairs of shoes, that split in the sole, because of manufacturer defect. Am wearing the new ones, and got a pair of boots too in exchange. Thank you very much. :) Yesterday I got to spend a very little bit of the morning with GM- not happy about that, but he was able to accomplish something that was important to him, so I have to get over it. I did a bit of cooking, as per the photos, and a bit of laundry and cleaning. So, not a bad weekend, just too short.
I finally used my cupcake stand. I got it for $10.00 at a local grocery store. I had to wait almost 12 months to get it, and at that price, but am very happy with it.
We have people over for a 4 o'clock cuppa almost every Sunday, so I thought I would make something yummy. . . Vanilla Cupcakes with a Chocolate Cream Frosting, Raspberry & White Chocolate Muffins, & Raspberry Filled Croissants(store bought). And the muffins & frosting were from scratch. . . :)
I ate one muffin, and am trying to pawn the rest off. . .lol
On Friday night, when GM went to Radio Club, I got a surprise ready for him. . . hehe.
He gave me a pic of my dog Widget and him framed, and it has hung on our wall for ages! I went and got a pic of him & Ralphy in the same size photo, framed it, and have hung it above the one with Widget. He saw it on Saturday morning, and was stunned by it. I am so glad he liked it. It is one of the best pics of them! I also have another surprise coming, but will have to wait two weeks for it. . . . I also got a gorgeous pic of him printed in a 5*7 and framed it for his mom for Mother's Day. Great gift giving for under $10.00 lol.
My laptop power cord died, am unsure how expensive (I think about $100.00- let me pull that out of my. . . hat) it will be to get a new one. . . . But am checking into that. We got a beautiful front door installed two years ago, and because it was not installed properly, it has let wind in non stop since 2007. I am very frustrated about it, the man came back a couple times to fix it, and it still lets so much wind in, you could fly a kite. I called this morning, and he is coming out to look at the door. I do not know exactly what he will do, but I will be happy with a new door, that is not bowed, and does not allow kite flying. Went and exchanged my favorite 2 pairs of shoes, that split in the sole, because of manufacturer defect. Am wearing the new ones, and got a pair of boots too in exchange. Thank you very much. :) Yesterday I got to spend a very little bit of the morning with GM- not happy about that, but he was able to accomplish something that was important to him, so I have to get over it. I did a bit of cooking, as per the photos, and a bit of laundry and cleaning. So, not a bad weekend, just too short.
On Friday night, when GM went to Radio Club, I got a surprise ready for him. . . hehe.
He gave me a pic of my dog Widget and him framed, and it has hung on our wall for ages! I went and got a pic of him & Ralphy in the same size photo, framed it, and have hung it above the one with Widget. He saw it on Saturday morning, and was stunned by it. I am so glad he liked it. It is one of the best pics of them! I also have another surprise coming, but will have to wait two weeks for it. . . . I also got a gorgeous pic of him printed in a 5*7 and framed it for his mom for Mother's Day. Great gift giving for under $10.00 lol.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Volleyball- Update!
Couldn't make volleyball last week, being a girl is not all it's chalked up to be sometimes. But last night was great! We went in, I got to play with two of my lovely nieces, and a young lady that is friends w/ one of my nieces. I know I played hard, and we were able to play pretty well, plenty of volley, and fun! The referee helped us practice just before the game, and using some of his pointers made our game better! It was very good, very fun, exhausting, and I loved it! I came home all hot and sweaty, got to snuggle with GM, make my lunch for the next day, and get to sleep!
Oh, and yes we won! Go US!
Oh, and yes we won! Go US!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Older Projects
Okay, here are some projects I have done, that I found in a drawer the other day. I had forgotten about some, don't remember doing one, and want to add the finishing touches to at least one.
This would be late 1980's early 1990s. Just confirmed this is accurate with my Lil sis, as she is really good with dates.
These are GM & my wedding vows that I designed. I want to add pics to the two lower corners, and framing it would be a good idea. . .lol
My mil got me this kit for my birthday several years ago, they are gang gang cockatoos, and I think they are gorgeous!
My surname, done in Australiana. Love it! I will turn the pic the right way at some point. . .lol
A gorgeous winter scene, did it not too long after I moved to Australia.
Roses- this is supposed to be a pillow. I did the embroidery, liked them, and didn't put the pillow together. Must be from the 1990s.
A Tram- a beautiful design I found in an Australiana book I have.
This is embroidery I must have done it in the late 1980s also.
Gumnut Babies. So cute. It will be a bookmark when it grows up!
Precious Moments, I love this one. I bought the fabric with the pattern on it, cut it out, attached it to a piece of felt, and then embroidered the design.
A Platypus kit a girlfriend got me for my birthday a few years ago. I love wildlife!
Stunning butterfly. I found the pattern, but no idea when I stitched it. . .
This one is special. It is Precious Moments, and is the very first cross stitch I made for my mom. I framed it in construction paper, and it hung above her nightstand for ages. I found it while cleaning out after my mom passed away, and brought it home with me. I think I will frame it, and keep it hung in my house, near a pic of mom!
More Gumnut Babies. They are so cute. This was actually a pattern for rug yarn, on tapestry, but I used it for cross stitch to see what it would look like. I think it turned out okay.
I have no idea when I stitched this one either. I know that I want to finish it, and I have a beautiful idea in mind. I won't give it away just yet. But will, when I get to the finish line. :)
That's it for me for now. My blog, my drivel (–noun meaning: childish, silly, or meaningless talk or thinking; nonsense; twaddle.) New word of the day. :p
Friday, April 10, 2009
Stuff I am working on. . . or will be soon!

I also found a drawer of completed work, that needs ironed & framed. I may take pics of them and put them on here too. Some from many, many years ago!
I also have one that I found when cleaning out my mom's stuff. It is a precious moments, and it is the very first cross stitch I made. I gave it to her, framed in construction paper & all, I had to be in my teens. Well, I brought it home, and will try and take a pic of it too!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
NSV(Non Scale Victory) -kind of!
Okay, who can identify with me? I need some support!
I had a very frightening experience on Wednesday 8 April 2009 about 5:45pm. I had just washed my hands, and was in the process of drying them. The towel hangs over the heater vent. I am drying my hand, and suddenly my hand is lighter than it should be, and I cannot control the number of Sh**s coming out of my mouth. I Panic! I remove the vent from the heater, and try to feel around for my wedding ring- no luck! GM is on the other side of the door, and asks if I need help. I open the door, look at him, and tell him what is going on. He proceeds to try his hand down the vent- no luck! I get the vacuum cleaner- he uses that down the vent. Can't hear it being sucked up. He puts his hand down again, and magically he recovers my wedding ring. . . My hero still!
It is now hanging around my neck, because my fingers are not as fat as they once were.
I had a very frightening experience on Wednesday 8 April 2009 about 5:45pm. I had just washed my hands, and was in the process of drying them. The towel hangs over the heater vent. I am drying my hand, and suddenly my hand is lighter than it should be, and I cannot control the number of Sh**s coming out of my mouth. I Panic! I remove the vent from the heater, and try to feel around for my wedding ring- no luck! GM is on the other side of the door, and asks if I need help. I open the door, look at him, and tell him what is going on. He proceeds to try his hand down the vent- no luck! I get the vacuum cleaner- he uses that down the vent. Can't hear it being sucked up. He puts his hand down again, and magically he recovers my wedding ring. . . My hero still!
It is now hanging around my neck, because my fingers are not as fat as they once were.
Our First Caravan Trip -Part 2
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Gum Leaves- Beautiful!
In the process of collecting gum leaves that I want to make into bookmarks, a picture, or something for my li'l sis who actually asked for gum leaves, and I did not take her any on our last trip. I collected these in Bendigo, and when I laid them down after collecting them, they looked like this.
It struck me as beautiful!
So no matter what they end up as, they were beautiful in a previous life. . .
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