Well, not too much going on. Just a quiet morning at work. Life is good, health is good, GM is good, and Ralphy is good. All around, not much to complain about. . . lol.
I am hoping to night will be an early night, and may get GM to watch a movie with me. Otherwise, I need to tackle the craft room, and get it under control, as it is storage for all the crap we are taking back to the states on our holiday as well as my craft room. And of course I would love to Wii, if I get some time.
Tomorrow is a train trip with GM. I am not completely sure about it, as I take trains every work day. But, I know GM will love it, and it is a day out. I think we are leaving at 7:30 in the morning, and will get home about 8pm. Ralphy will be pissed. I have a good book to read, and an ipod to listen to. Of course that is only if GM, his sis, brother in law, and the scenery are not entertainment enough. :) I think I am making lunches, and it should be nice!
Sunday stay at home, and try to get our house into some kind of order. With all the late nights, and things going on, we need to dedicate some quality time to our house, and fixing up the garden!
Rainbow- I am going to get a couple tattoos while in the states, I just don't know exactly what one of them is yet. My Tattoo advisor (Lil Sis) has some drawings to show me. . .lol. The other tattoo will be an enhancement of our butterflies. I think we are going to get another butterfly, and some wispy smoke or something. . . I'll keep you posted!

Oh, and I am reading the Stephenie Meyer Vampire books, and they are great! That is what I will read on the train tomorrow. And GM and I got Travis, Tyler & in the future Tommy a fantastic book! It is called "The Dangerous Book For Boys," it sounds scarier than it is. Check the website out, as it is just a fantastic book, everything from building a go kart, to how to play Aussie rules football, to how to play poker, to how to make paper airplanes, to the history of Australia, and the Queen. It really is fantastic! There is one for girls too- with different stuff in it.
Okay, that's it for now! Talk to you soon!