Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well, had a blast last night, played volleyball, and did pretty good. I was a little nervous in the lead up, and once we got there, was told it was beach volleyball in a sand pit. Okay, barefoot, and diving for the ball. This will be fun. I started practicing with my lovely niece, and remembered how much fun I used to have playing volleyball. I also figured out that it had been over 18 years since I played. It is supposed to be 4 player teams, however we had three players. And one of those players (my niece) could only use one hand, which gave us 5 hands out of a usual 8 handed team. We played against a team of 4, and did okay. I think the score ended up as 39(us) vs 51(them). So, not too bad in the scheme of things. And I had such a ball. I was exhausted when I got home though, I cannot remember when I last played a sport. So I'm on again for next Monday, and then start the new season the week after that. And now that I know, I not be wearing a low cut tank top, as sand gets EVERYWHERE. I think I will be fine in a t-shirt and shorts. . .lol.
Not too much else to report, just a little tired, and hoping to catch up on some sleep soon. Oh, but I did finish a couple of birth announcement cross stitches for my gorgeous niece & nephew. I will try to post a pic later. I have also started on the Strawberry Fairy cross stitch that spells out Sadie. I will take a pic when I get that done too.
Hope everyone is well, and talk soon!


Lori said...

I am so glad you enjoyed yourself! I've never played beach volleyball, but it looks fun. I wouldn't want sand down my top either, so don't blame you for going with the T-shirt look. You don't have a team uniform? Oh, and word to the wise--buy a good supportive bra.

I miss you.

Rainbow said...

It sounds more like a resort sport...Ahh volleyball on the beach in the sand.I'm a little jealous it sounds like a good time.

Unknown said...

Wow - congratulations. I'm in awe.

I'm so glad you had fun.