Monday, February 23, 2009
New Security Door!
Happy Monday!
Monday Again!
Slumber Party- Living Room What a mess!
One room with the carpet pulled up.
The old carpet- 20 plus years
The Old Carpet again.
Well, have had a hugely busy weekend!
The carpet got laid last week, and it is beautiful. Funny enough, it is made in the USA. . . lol GM got the craft room painted, and once it was sufficiently dry, GM & I started moving stuff in last night. It is such a beautiful room w/ new carpet and paint. We moved back into our bedroom on Thursday night, which was really nice, I love our bed! Here are some pics from the destruction. . . I mean renovation of our house over the last little while.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
18 February 2009
Happy Birthday Rainbow! Hope you have/had a great day!!
Volleyball was good on Monday. I am not as sore as I thought I would be. Didn't win, and felt what negative energy can do to a team, but had a good time anyway!
As we are continuing our slumber party in the living room, I am sleeping like crap. And because I am getting home so late, and not eating till late, I am coughing throughout the night. It feels like heartburn, but is not. Bummer. Oh well, I will make the most of it, and look forward to sleeping in my own bed on Friday night if at all possible! Tonight I get a little time with GM, before I go to sleep, so I may fall asleep in his arms, whether he likes it or not. . .lol
Work is going well, my boss is pretty darn cool! We don't tell him though. :) There is no tension at work now, which is amazing, because it was tense for so long. I am enjoying it.
GM has a Dr appointment tonight re: his breathing. I think he is suffering from asthma more, now that our house is dusty from the carpet, and the bushfire smoke all around outside. We will get him taken care of though. My poor little niece in the states is on the nebulizer 5 times a day right now. She is only four months- poor baby. Hope she feels better soon. I think that kinda sounds like what little Drew was going through? ?
Tomorrow (Thursday) night is dinner out with the court (the court/cul De sac we live in) friends. It will be nice to catch up, and wish Shazz a Happy Birthday! Friday GM has radio club, and there was talk of Mexican with the girls, we will see if I am up to it. Especially if my waterbed is calling!
I guess it's all pretty normal stuff here. I have a Dr appointment next week- about girl stuff. That will be interesting. At least I know I am still a girl. . . lol
Okay, that's it for now!
Volleyball was good on Monday. I am not as sore as I thought I would be. Didn't win, and felt what negative energy can do to a team, but had a good time anyway!
As we are continuing our slumber party in the living room, I am sleeping like crap. And because I am getting home so late, and not eating till late, I am coughing throughout the night. It feels like heartburn, but is not. Bummer. Oh well, I will make the most of it, and look forward to sleeping in my own bed on Friday night if at all possible! Tonight I get a little time with GM, before I go to sleep, so I may fall asleep in his arms, whether he likes it or not. . .lol
Work is going well, my boss is pretty darn cool! We don't tell him though. :) There is no tension at work now, which is amazing, because it was tense for so long. I am enjoying it.
GM has a Dr appointment tonight re: his breathing. I think he is suffering from asthma more, now that our house is dusty from the carpet, and the bushfire smoke all around outside. We will get him taken care of though. My poor little niece in the states is on the nebulizer 5 times a day right now. She is only four months- poor baby. Hope she feels better soon. I think that kinda sounds like what little Drew was going through? ?
Tomorrow (Thursday) night is dinner out with the court (the court/cul De sac we live in) friends. It will be nice to catch up, and wish Shazz a Happy Birthday! Friday GM has radio club, and there was talk of Mexican with the girls, we will see if I am up to it. Especially if my waterbed is calling!
I guess it's all pretty normal stuff here. I have a Dr appointment next week- about girl stuff. That will be interesting. At least I know I am still a girl. . . lol
Okay, that's it for now!
Monday, February 16, 2009
It's Monday!
Tonight is volleyball, I am a bit excited, and looking forward to is. I wonder how sore I will be tomorrow- lol.
Had a busy weekend. Friday night's "Body Shop" party was a ripper! Enjoyed myself immensely, and outlasted the usual party animals. . .lol. Saturday morning, got up a little late, luckily no hangover, and got started on boxing stuff up, and getting everything moved out of the three main bedrooms, including my craft room. OMG there is sooo much stuff. But, The great GM & I were able to get everything out by Sunday afternoon. Then I took a break for a cuppa tea, and he started "playing"- ripping the carpet up. It is the original carpet from the late 1980's, and has sooo much dust I was not able to stay with it for too ling. But GM is having a ball ripping it all up. Tonight before I get home, he will have taken up all the foam underlay, and swept the dust up & out I hope.
We had a slumber party in the living room last night, I slept on the couch, and he slept on a mattress next to the couch, with Ralphy. We have a water bed, and there is no use filling it for a couple nights. The carpet is being laid on Friday, so that will be nice, and a whole lot less dusty. I am really glad GM talked me into getting new carpet. I think it will be fantastic!
I might post pics of our slumber party room, if it is not too embarrassing. . .lol
Hope everyone is well. Talk to you soon!
PS-Congratulations to Chris & Jenn they finally found a house in Tracyton on 4 1/2 acres. Yeah, I cannot wait to see pics.
Had a busy weekend. Friday night's "Body Shop" party was a ripper! Enjoyed myself immensely, and outlasted the usual party animals. . .lol. Saturday morning, got up a little late, luckily no hangover, and got started on boxing stuff up, and getting everything moved out of the three main bedrooms, including my craft room. OMG there is sooo much stuff. But, The great GM & I were able to get everything out by Sunday afternoon. Then I took a break for a cuppa tea, and he started "playing"- ripping the carpet up. It is the original carpet from the late 1980's, and has sooo much dust I was not able to stay with it for too ling. But GM is having a ball ripping it all up. Tonight before I get home, he will have taken up all the foam underlay, and swept the dust up & out I hope.
We had a slumber party in the living room last night, I slept on the couch, and he slept on a mattress next to the couch, with Ralphy. We have a water bed, and there is no use filling it for a couple nights. The carpet is being laid on Friday, so that will be nice, and a whole lot less dusty. I am really glad GM talked me into getting new carpet. I think it will be fantastic!
I might post pics of our slumber party room, if it is not too embarrassing. . .lol
Hope everyone is well. Talk to you soon!
PS-Congratulations to Chris & Jenn they finally found a house in Tracyton on 4 1/2 acres. Yeah, I cannot wait to see pics.
Friday, February 13, 2009
It's Friday- Yipppeee!
Went to the dr yesterday and all is well. Tonight I have a "Body Shop" party I am attending at my Sis-in-laws house. Should be fun, and I hear there are cocktails which will make Friday the 13th quite delightful!
Stayed up waaaayyyyy too late, watching the Australia Unites-Victorian Bushfire Appeal 2009 telethon on tv last night, and am feeling the effects today. Tired and achy. Boy it was touching to see all the generosity,and heartfelt love from sooo many people, all over the world really. It was amazing! And they raised a fantastic amount of money to help all these people rebuild their lives.
I am going to be doing alot of packing this weekend, trying to get my craft room packed, for the new carpet that is being put in next Friday.
Wow- emotional break- I just realized that my mom passed away 28 days/4 weeks ago today. That really sucks! I miss her sooo much! What a crappy dawning while at work. How many times can your heart break? I Love You Mom!
Stayed up waaaayyyyy too late, watching the Australia Unites-Victorian Bushfire Appeal 2009 telethon on tv last night, and am feeling the effects today. Tired and achy. Boy it was touching to see all the generosity,and heartfelt love from sooo many people, all over the world really. It was amazing! And they raised a fantastic amount of money to help all these people rebuild their lives.
I am going to be doing alot of packing this weekend, trying to get my craft room packed, for the new carpet that is being put in next Friday.
Wow- emotional break- I just realized that my mom passed away 28 days/4 weeks ago today. That really sucks! I miss her sooo much! What a crappy dawning while at work. How many times can your heart break? I Love You Mom!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Cold dinner on a hot day & bushfire tragedy!
Silly but true. On Saturday 7 February 2009 we had record heat- over 114*F and massive bush fires. So, for dinner, GM & I had the above for dinner. Cold meat, boiled egg, beetroot, pineapple,mushrooms and potato salad. Funny, but good for a horribly hot day.
Some of the bush fires are about an hour north from here. This is the Main Page of The Herald Sun newspaper. There is an interactive map that shows you where the fires are. It is scary, but a fact of life here. The whole thing is very emotional, and sad as can be. There have been over 170 deaths so far, and they are guesstimating there will be over 300 by the end of the fires. Outrageous!
Anyway, I hope all is well, and that life is good in your worlds!
Well, had a blast last night, played volleyball, and did pretty good. I was a little nervous in the lead up, and once we got there, was told it was beach volleyball in a sand pit. Okay, barefoot, and diving for the ball. This will be fun. I started practicing with my lovely niece, and remembered how much fun I used to have playing volleyball. I also figured out that it had been over 18 years since I played. It is supposed to be 4 player teams, however we had three players. And one of those players (my niece) could only use one hand, which gave us 5 hands out of a usual 8 handed team. We played against a team of 4, and did okay. I think the score ended up as 39(us) vs 51(them). So, not too bad in the scheme of things. And I had such a ball. I was exhausted when I got home though, I cannot remember when I last played a sport. So I'm on again for next Monday, and then start the new season the week after that. And now that I know, I not be wearing a low cut tank top, as sand gets EVERYWHERE. I think I will be fine in a t-shirt and shorts. . .lol.
Not too much else to report, just a little tired, and hoping to catch up on some sleep soon. Oh, but I did finish a couple of birth announcement cross stitches for my gorgeous niece & nephew. I will try to post a pic later. I have also started on the Strawberry Fairy cross stitch that spells out Sadie. I will take a pic when I get that done too.
Hope everyone is well, and talk soon!
Not too much else to report, just a little tired, and hoping to catch up on some sleep soon. Oh, but I did finish a couple of birth announcement cross stitches for my gorgeous niece & nephew. I will try to post a pic later. I have also started on the Strawberry Fairy cross stitch that spells out Sadie. I will take a pic when I get that done too.
Hope everyone is well, and talk soon!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Well, today is Friday, and I am going to get through it. . .lol
Happy Early Birthday Lori- It is the 6th here! :) Hope you have a wonderful one- miss you!
I am still very tired, but I get home about 7pm tonight, and think I could be asleep by 7:05 if I tried. :)
Life is moving right along. I have volleyball observation Monday, a Dr's appt Thursday, a "Body Shop" party to go to next Friday. Doesn't sound like much, but it eats up a bit of time, when you work over 40 hours a week & commute over 10 hours a week. . .lol Anyway, at least I am able to do these things.
Tomorrow is supposed to be more than stinking hot- more like Africa hot as it was referred to in my childhood. I will be locked in the air conditioning I think. I may even sleep all day. Goodness knows I need it. I may even go through a bit more of my mom's stuff, and box up a bit of the craft room in preparation for the new carpet.
Life keeps on chugging along. Hope all is well in your worlds!
Happy Early Birthday Lori- It is the 6th here! :) Hope you have a wonderful one- miss you!
I am still very tired, but I get home about 7pm tonight, and think I could be asleep by 7:05 if I tried. :)
Life is moving right along. I have volleyball observation Monday, a Dr's appt Thursday, a "Body Shop" party to go to next Friday. Doesn't sound like much, but it eats up a bit of time, when you work over 40 hours a week & commute over 10 hours a week. . .lol Anyway, at least I am able to do these things.
Tomorrow is supposed to be more than stinking hot- more like Africa hot as it was referred to in my childhood. I will be locked in the air conditioning I think. I may even sleep all day. Goodness knows I need it. I may even go through a bit more of my mom's stuff, and box up a bit of the craft room in preparation for the new carpet.
Life keeps on chugging along. Hope all is well in your worlds!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Reality Bites!
Exhaustion is setting in. Went to lunch with a lovely lady I used to work with. Told her a bit about my mom, and heard about the death of hers. Was great, She is so sweet. Then last night we went to dinner for My Sis-In-Laws 50th birthday last night. It was really lovely, except for Me thinking about how lucky everyone was to have their entire family there. Self centered I know, But I am still dealing with the death of my mom. It was a lovely dinner, and everybody was really lovely. And My Sis-In-Law looks FABULOUS!
Didn't get 'good' sleep last night, as it is still really hot for me here. Evidently I fell asleep while sitting up according to GM. How funny!
I woke up with a lovely migraine I will just call ouch. And have been taking drugs, but nothing is touching it. I think I need down time. . .
I have committed to joining a volley ball team. I will go and watch this coming Monday, and might start the following Monday. Nervous, imagining how much wiggling I can do on a court. But also kind of excited. I used to love playing volleyball. It is so fun, and will give me some exercise and a social outlet too! Of course my niece is the captain, so I will probably be the oldest girl there. . .lol Does not matter, it will be a good experience for me, if nothing else.
I have doctor's appointments, and various stuff happening over the next three weeks, should be interesting. And on the 20th of February, we are getting new carpet put down in part of our house.
Under the circumstances I think I am doing pretty darn good. I have been calling my sis & dad everyday to make sure they are okay. I am glad to hear that they are okay. My little sis not so much as my dad. But, she will be okay. And most exciting, my brother and his family, my dad, and my little sis are talking about coming out here for Christmas. I am so excited by that, and don't want to get my hopes up just in case. But man it would be cool!
Here is a pic from Mine & GM's last night in Bremerton this trip. I Love My Family!
Didn't get 'good' sleep last night, as it is still really hot for me here. Evidently I fell asleep while sitting up according to GM. How funny!
I woke up with a lovely migraine I will just call ouch. And have been taking drugs, but nothing is touching it. I think I need down time. . .
I have committed to joining a volley ball team. I will go and watch this coming Monday, and might start the following Monday. Nervous, imagining how much wiggling I can do on a court. But also kind of excited. I used to love playing volleyball. It is so fun, and will give me some exercise and a social outlet too! Of course my niece is the captain, so I will probably be the oldest girl there. . .lol Does not matter, it will be a good experience for me, if nothing else.
I have doctor's appointments, and various stuff happening over the next three weeks, should be interesting. And on the 20th of February, we are getting new carpet put down in part of our house.
Under the circumstances I think I am doing pretty darn good. I have been calling my sis & dad everyday to make sure they are okay. I am glad to hear that they are okay. My little sis not so much as my dad. But, she will be okay. And most exciting, my brother and his family, my dad, and my little sis are talking about coming out here for Christmas. I am so excited by that, and don't want to get my hopes up just in case. But man it would be cool!
Here is a pic from Mine & GM's last night in Bremerton this trip. I Love My Family!
Monday, February 2, 2009
My Mom
Got a call on Friday 16 January 2009 (Saturday 17 January 2009 in Australia) from my little sister. She said that mom had been taken to the hospital, and before the paramedics got there, she was blue, there was no pulse, and she was not breathing. I felt absolutely helpless. My Mom had passed away, and I was over 7 thousand miles away from my family. GM got home, I told him- we were on a plane the next day.
This was one of the hardest experiences I think I have or will ever deal with. My mom has always been one of my best friends, and a pain in the ass. But I love her, and miss her terribly. I am very lucky that I could drop everything and go back home for a couple weeks to help out. I do know that. I am very thankful for the support of my friends, family, and work also.
I am sure I will write more about it when I can, but right now, I think I am still raw. We got home Sunday morning, back to work on Monday morning, and lack of sleep, emotional exhaustion, and the rest are all catching up with me.
I Love & Miss you Momma! w/a
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