Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Happy Tuesday To Me!

Let's see, today was pretty busy, the usual work stuff, and got home about 6:45pm.
I did a fair bit of walking at lunchtime, and was proud of myself for that. The only problem is, after yesterdays events at the gym, and not having my orthotics, my feet hurt like he!!. Come on Thursday!
Tomorrow is going to be a little obnoxious, but I will live. I have a mandatory 3 hour meeting with my division, which includes lunch. Yes, they are providing lunch, but I think that is the bribe to get us all together for the time we will be. I am sure it will all be okay, but I have alot to do darnit.
Thursday is picking up my orthotics, and Friday is getting the Implanon out of my arm. Saturday is going to be busy, GM will be working till noon. Then, it will be off to my work, as I will be bringing some of my personal belongings home, then we are going to come home and relax this may include watching a show, or taking a nap. That will be a tough choice. . lol
Okay, gotta run- Take Care!


Rainbow said...

So what is the time difference?? R Yes I know I could figure it out on my own but its easier to ask! HA HA Later.........Rainbow

Lori said...

I miss you! I guess I'm starting to feel it more, now that activities are starting again. I'll see you in 89 days though!