Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Beginning

Okay, I have been a member since July, but have not thought of anything interesting or witty to write. Today, I guess I am going to make the leap, whether I am exciting or not. . .

I saw two blogs last night, and they made me miss home more than I have in a long while. I know the people writing the blogs are in different states, but I longed to be part of it. Unlike the beautiful weather happening in the Pacific Northwest, it is freezing cold here, and I am actually sick of wearing so many layers. This is unusual for me, as I have always been pretty okay with the cold.

Last year at this time, I started growing my veggie garden, but this year I will be in the US for five weeks, so I passed this year. Kind of a bummer, but okay. I am getting excited about going back home for the holidays, and a little scared to, as I know this will be our last trip for a long while, as we will be broke, and I have to find a job when I get back.

I guess that's all I have to say at the moment, so be back later!


Lori said...

I am so glad you decided to actually start your blog. You look beautiful in your profile pic! I miss you, and I am excited to see you this fall. I look forward to reading your future posts.

Rainbow said...

Hello old friend so nice to see a visual of you and I'm glad you started your blog again this will be a fun easy way to keep a touch base of whats going on in our lives. Talk to you soon. Later.............Rainbow