Monday, August 25, 2008

Day Off- No Rest. . .

What a day today! I had today off, as I went to the dentist, and the gyno. Thought I would have a nice relaxing day, get a few things done around the house, and maybe watch some TV. WRONG!
Took GM to work, came home and started a load of laundry, fed Ralph, made a grocery list, separated the spaghetti sauce I made last night in meals, and then it was off to the dentist. I was a good girl, after the dentist I went to the gym. Did 17 minutes on the treadmill, 12 minutes on the cross trainer, and 17 minutes on the stationary bike. Go Me! :) Went to the grocery store, then I go home, put the groceries away, hang the laundry out, fold the last load, put away mine then go through my container cupboard, and put a roast in the crock pot for dinner. Also, I took out the garbage, put the recycling out, took a shower, and all I was trying to do today, was to make a batch of muffins. . .
Next it was off to pick GM up from work, and off to the gyno. That was interesting, but not for major discussion here at the moment. Came home via the in-laws, then started getting the veggies ready for dinner, got GM's mince meat and onion cooked, and finally got to start on the muffins I had been trying to get to all day! Had the lovely neighbors over for a cuppa, and when they left, dinner was ready, and the muffins were ready too! It is 9:15 on Monday night, and I am finally sitting on my behind, and ready to go to bed :)
Okay- Babbling over! Talk to you soon!


Rainbow said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has those long relaxing days off. I was starting to feel guilty! HA! HA! HA! HA!.........Later........Rainbow

Lori said...

I had one of those days too! It must be a Monday thing. LOL! Didn't hear from you this weekend.