Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Okay, we did it. I got something I have always wanted for my birthday this year. We have committed to installing solar panels for electricity onto our house. I have always wanted to go solar, we installed a solar hot water system last year, and it is really good. Now we are adding the electricity.

Something really cool about it, is we can feed power back into the grid if we do not use it immediately. Then in June or July, the power companies will actually start paying people for the electricity they put back into the grid, or at least offsetting the current bill. This is all really great for a few reasons: Less carbon foot printing, so it's better for the earth. With power likely to double in price over the next little while, it will take the ouch out of it a little. I love the idea! Estimations are: we will save $208.96 off our annual energy bill. We will save 1.6 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions each year; which is the equivalent to removing 2 cars from the road or planting 80 trees. I like the idea more and more. . .

We lucked out, and got a great deal, and with the government contributions right now, it will pay for itself in under 1 year I think it was. Fantastic!
When I get pics, I will share.


Lori said...

Awesome! Way to go! I would totally follow suit if I had my own home.

Rainbow said...
