Hope everybody had a great 4th of July celebration and or weekend, depending on where you live. I was lucky enough to have my husband take me out to dinner. I also did a bit of cooking. I felt like crap, and still do, but will be seeing the Dr tomorrow, so should be on the mend soon enough. I made the Peanut Butter pie, and think I might try that tonight, if my taste buds are up to it! Yummy! I also made Apple crumble, Apricot crumble, butterfly cupcakes for my MIL, Black forest cake type things. . . And then collapsed. Managed to enjoy our dinner out, and went to sleep.
Had to cancel a lovely visit we were going to have with a couple friends on Sunday. And mostly stayed in bed. Had a good long nap too. Loved it!
Hope all is going well in your worlds!